Endless Challenge for Technological Innovation for the Prosperity of Humanity


The constant challenge to a sustainable industry

Today ~ 2007

  • 2022

    • Portable Water Purification Water Bottle Production Begins
  • 2021

    • Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy's autonomous industry-academic council selection
    • Recognition of Technological Innovation Small and Medium Enterprises (InnoBiz)
  • 2018

    • Joint Development of Lightweight Electromagnetic Shielding Plastic with SL Co., Ltd
  • 2014

    • Expansion to current plant
    • Started cooperation with US company Electriplast for conductive polymer injection
  • 2013

    • Plant Site 2,100m2 Purchase and 1,New construction of 300m2 plant begins
  • 2012

    • Corporate conversion to ChangRim ENG Inc.
  • 2011

    • Corporate Research Institute Authorization (KOITA)
  • 2010

    • Production of high-strength plastic eyeglass frames using Ultem begins
  • 2008

    • Authorization of the research department
  • 2007

    • ChangRim E&G was established (Samsung Electronics injection partner)